Alright, monthly goals are to do the following!
Get feedback on models, use proper diagnostics
Interpret modeling results
Finish methods of modeling paper, start on results/intro
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August Summary
Alright, monthly goals are to do the following!
Clean survey data to prepare for modeling (ASAP)
Carry out modeling project (by end of month)
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July Summary
I took the first week of July off - headed back to Ohio for Pop’s funeral - but now it’s back to daily notebook posts! Goal is to do the following:
Incorporate edits on proposal (ASAP)
Finish first draft of paper (ASAP)
Clean survey data to prepare for modeling (by end of month)
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June Summary
Alright, I’ve been working for a while without a post! That’s because I’ve been nearly entirely focused on writing, which I haven’t considered post-worthy. But after a lab meeting, Chris suggested making a quick summary of each day’s work, so I can still track progress without writing up full posts! So that’s what I’m doing!
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DNA Extraction Results
Last time, I went over my plan to extract DNA from 4 random samples from SE AK Tanner crab, collected in 2005. This year was chosen because it’s the earliest samples we have - therefore, if they’ve got good DNA, all should have good DNA.
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